Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ll have to *imagine* writing a “Defining Architecture” article without a clear definition because the one I did write:
Architecture — The creation and consistent application of proven solutions to design requirements and problems within a given domain.
is pretty clear.
You may not agree with it, which is fine. It’s a pretty different take on the concept, and I don’t blame you for not getting it immediately. It takes most people a while, but saying the definition isn’t clear just looks like your feelings got hurt and you’re just angrily trying to hit back.
I’m going to politely decline to engage in the slap fight you’re trying to start here and stick with the facts.
Fact: More than 50 people have agreed with my comment so far. I’m guessing that’s what this is really about. It stings.
And rather than stop and consider the reasons for this negative feedback and perhaps change the behavior that’s causing people to react negatively to your work, you’ve decided to try to come after me personally by attacking my work. Super mature. No wonder you’re the secret developer.
On the other hand, “The Greatest User Story Ever Told” title is pretty clearly a play on “The Greatest Story Ever Told”. I’m fine if it turns out not to be the greatest. Maybe I’ll learn even more and update the article to improve it. But saying it’s not puts the burden of proof on you. Please produce one you feel is better and support your argument.
My article illustrates a lot of the valuable thinking behind and the good, useful features that are often entirely missing from many user stories. A lot of people have told me that this article has helped them get better at writing user stories.
If you can recommend a better article on the subject and support your opinion on why you think it’s better, I’d sincerely appreciate it. I’m always looking for ways to improve my game.
Otherwise, I’ve got better things to do.