The Greatest User Story Ever Told

Doug Wilson
14 min readMar 29, 2020


User stories can be a great way to capture requirements for software development, but striking the right balance between simplicity and detail depends on understanding your goals, your organization’s culture, and the value user stories can provide.

Black design illustration with pencil on white paper

What Is a User Story?

In general, a user story begins as:

  • A ​short​, ​simple​, ​written​ ​description​ of a software feature or capability,
  • Expressed as a single ​interaction​ with the system from an ​end-user perspective​, and
  • Used in an ​Agile​ software development process to ​capture​ and to begin to ​specify​, discuss​, ​and understand and ultimately to deliver and evaluate the result of​ a business or technical ​requirement​.

User stories are often initially expressed in the ​form​:

As a <user type>​ (aka user “role” or “persona”),
I want to (aka “require”) <some ​goal​>
so that <some reason> (or “business value​”) results.

An ​example​ of one of these simple, “summary-level” user stories might be:

As a​ Business Owner,
I want to define and manage my business’s location,
So that​ my business can be found easily by my customers and can better serve them.

This ​summary-level​ story can be thought of as a “​mini mission statement​” that should guide and bound further story development and detail.

Note: User stories are not the only way that requirements can be expressed. Many requirements management tools provide other issue types like tasks, subtasks (think boxes that must be checked in order to complete a task or user story), bug/defect reports, etc.

This article focuses on user stories, which describe system interactions from an ​end-user perspective.

Tasks are typically used to describe work that do not directly involve an end user but that must be completed in order to enable or facilitate these end-user system interactions. I sometimes refer to Tasks as “engineering directives” like “Install and configure a PostgreSQL database server … ”.

Since this type of work doesn’t involve an end user, trying to express Tasks as User Stories often results in tortured constructs like “As a Full Stack developer, I want to install and configure a PostgreSQL database, so that​ system information can be stored and retrieved”.

Selecting the appropriate issue type will make requirements easier to express and to understand and deliver.

Back to user stories …

We can write user stories at ​different levels of detail​ and at ​different times​ in the software development cycle. Demonstrating the principle of ​abstraction​, a user story can ​describe​ a single ​small detail or​ cover what may ultimately be ​large amounts ​of functional or non-functional ​description ​at a​ much higher level​, depending on the ​author’s intent​ or ​level of experience​ and on the ​story’s stage of development​. ​Large user stories​, which ​lack sufficient detail​ and/or are ​too big​ to implement in a ​single​ Agile process ​iteration​, are generally known as “​epics​”, which need to be split (or “decomposed”) into smaller stories as each epic evolves.

Conceptually related user stories​ can be grouped or considered part of a “theme​”, like “security” or “authentication”. This logical grouping is very similar to the practice of logically organizing source code using name spaces.

An ​actionable​ user story (one that is ​ready​ to be estimated, implemented, and delivered) describes a ​single interaction​ with the system, making it possible for software developers to focus​ exclusively on that interaction, sometimes referred to as a “​vertical slice​” of functionality, when a “full stack” developer implements the presentation layer, service layer, and data layer specified by a story. However, in many teams more specialized front end, service/API, database, and DevOps developers each follow a related but smaller and more focused user story in order to deliver their portion of the full, required functionality.

A ​user story​ often starts very simply (just a title or “headline”, like “Basic Location Management”) but then evolves to add detail, following certain specific conventions regarding its structure and content.

Branching foot path through trees with sign post

Why Do We Create and Manage User Stories?

User stories are one of the ​primary technical design artifacts​ of an organization’s ​Agile software development process​. By documenting the “who”, “​what​”, and “​why​” of each ​requirement​, along with ​acceptance criteria, in a ​simple​, ​consistent​, and ​concise​ way, they:

  • Communicate ​design intent​ in as much detail as necessary and with as little ambiguity and subjectivity as possible,
  • Encourage more in-depth and detailed analysis and design during the iterative process of creating the story,
  • Define the ​features​ and ​capabilities​ that a system must provide​,
  • Enable ​estimation​, ​prioritization​, ​planning​, and tracking,
  • Support ​testing​ and ​quality assurance (QA)​, and
  • Facilitate ​project​ and ​requirements management​.

User stories should specify the ​features and functionality​ with which users will interact directly, like ​user interface (UI)​, ​business processes and rules​, and ​data persistence and retrieval​ as well as “​non-functional​” business and technical ​capabilities​ that ​generally support​ the application and its users like required ​availability​ and ​performance criteria​, system ​logging​, and exception handling​.

By capturing the ​detailed definition​ of a requirement​, an actionable user story contains enough information to enable developers to reasonably ​estimate​ the ​relative effort​ required to deliver it, expressed in ​story points​. Based on these estimates and considering the number of points the team has historically delivered per sprint (known as “velocity”), project ​stakeholders​ can make decisions​ about ​which stories​ should be ​delivered first (prioritized)​ and which should be deferred​ until later in the project. Keeping the total ​budgeted points​ for the ​project​, current phase​, ​epic​, or ​theme​ in mind, stories may be ​simplified​ (or ​extended​), or the team may be challenged​ to find more ​efficient​ ways to deliver the story for fewer points.

Because ​actionable​ user stories also contain ​detailed​, specific, and objectively verifiable acceptance criteria​, they establish the standard​ that the story will need to meet in order to be ​considered complete​ at the end of the sprint that includes it. These criteria:

  • Enumerate and clarify all relevant system preconditions, the nature of the interaction itself, and all relevant system postconditions,
  • Encourage developers to ​realistically consider​ the effort required ​for​ testing and QA and to ​include​ this effort in their ​estimates​,
  • Suggest a ​minimum set​ of automated ​unit test cases​ that can ​demonstrate successful ​completion​, ​identify defects​ and other issues, and ​prevent regression​ as the code base changes over time, and
  • Form the ​basis​ of ​test plans​ for formal ​QA​ and ​user acceptance testing (UAT)​.

And finally, in the context of a ​project plan​ that establishes a clear ​mission​ and specific, measurable, related ​objectives​, user stories should provide “traceability​”, clearly accomplishing the mission by supporting one or more objectives and one or more user personas. This traceability may be implemented​ with descriptive tags or labels that effectively ​group​ stories. User stories, including their ​revisions​, ​comments​, supporting documentation​, etc, also establish a ​history​ of the project’s ​evolution​ and the team’s ​progress​ toward a ​better understanding​ of ​each requirement​ and ​project’s objectives​ and ​mission​. At the end of the project the body of completed user stories​ should clearly ​establish​ the ​delivery​ of all business and technical requirements and the ​successful​ ​completion​ of the project.

Electric sign with arrows pointing right

Who Typically Creates and Manages User Stories?

The ​opportunity​ to create and manage user stories is often ​shared. While developers or “makers” may participate, ​most​ summary-level user stories are ​initially created​ and expanded by the product owner​, ​​business stakeholders​, ​subject matter experts​ (SMEs), ​solution architects​ (SAs), and ​business analysts​ (BAs).

  • The product owner, who understands both business and technical concerns and whose focus is the ​planning​ and ​management​ of ​application features represent a very ​valuable perspective​.
  • Because they ​know​ the business well and in many cases ​own​ or deeply ​influence​ it, business stakeholders are important sources of authoritative ​business requirements​.
  • Subject matter experts with ​deep knowledge​ and ​experience​ of specific ​business domains and ​processes​ can make important contributions as stories evolve and become more detailed, especially to stories’ ​acceptance criteria​.
  • Solution architects with ​deep knowledge​ and ​experience​ in the ​design​ and delivery​ of application software ​translate​ and express​ business requirements as technology ​structure and ​suggest​ and ​layer​ in cross-cutting ​technical concerns​.
  • As business analysts move between ​strategic​ and ​tactical project levels​, they acquire ​detailed, practical knowledge​ about requirements​ and the ​current state​ of the project and team overall.
  • And as they ​ask clarifying questions​ and ​challenge​ the ​understanding​ and assumptions​ on which many user stories are based, developers ​may indirectly contribute​ to story creation, evolution, and quality.
Pedestrian street crossing instruction sign

When Are User Stories Typically Created and Managed?

As appropriate for an Agile organization, ​user story creation and management​ typically happens iteratively​ throughout each project. Since we “write user stories at ​different levels of detail​ and at ​different times​ in the software development cycle”, it is probably more useful to discuss ​user story types​ and the ​project activities​ during which user stories, epics and user story ​themes​ are typically created, managed, and used.

User Story Types

  • User stories​ “can describe​ a single ​small detail or​ cover what may ultimately be large amounts ​of functional or non-functional ​description ​at a​ much higher level​, depending on the ​author’s intent​ or ​level of experience​ and on the ​story’s stage of development​”. Shorter, summary-level stories may not yet be “​actionable​”, i.e. ready to be accurately estimated or successfully implemented and delivered, but — whatever their state — they describe “a ​single interaction​ with the system, making it possible for software developers to ​focus​ exclusively on that interaction”.
  • Epics​ are “​large user stories​, which during their evolution are ​discovered to be too big​ to implement in a ​single​ Agile process iteration​”. So, all epics are user stories, but not all user stories are epics. These large stories are often ​created early​ on in a project, while big ​and​ relatively undefined ideas​ are being captured. At this stage, they may be little more than “​headlines​”, e.g. “manage location and contact information”, which may be good candidates to consider for use as ​themes​, e.g. “Location Information Management”, to be ​formalized​, ​retained​, and ​applied to group logically​ ​related​ ​stories​ that are created (or discovered) as the epic is further defined and split (or “​decomposed​”) into smaller, actionable​ stories.

Note​: ​Investing​ the ​time to name stories well and to organize​ related stories using epics, themes, and tags can ​help to ​find​ them easily and to ​answer important questions​ about them later. Especially with longer projects, ​well-organized​, detailed​, and ​consistently and accurately-named​ user stories can provide​ an ​institutional memory​ of specifically ​how​ and ​why​ things came to be.

Project Activities

None of the user story-related activities below are exclusive to the project activities with which they are associated. The intent here is to associate the user story activities that typically occur during each project activity

  • Ideation​/​Requirements Gathering​ > ​Identify​ and ​Create​ User Stories and Epics. The focus during ideation/requirements gathering is ​capture​. Capture should not impede the flow of ideas, so ​skip capitalization​, ​good grammar​, ​complete sentences​, etc and ​get the gist​ — ​key words​ and ​ideas​, ​sequence​, ​dependencies​, etc.
  • Backlog Grooming​ > ​Enhance​, ​Prioritize​, and ​Sequence​ User Stories and Split/Decompose​ Epics. Time set aside to ​groom​ the ​stories​ that have been captured in the backlog is ​essential preparation​ for Sprint Planning with the team. ​Splitting/decomposing epics​ into smaller user stories and adding ​detail​, including acceptance criteria, ​relative priority​, and logical, dependency-based​ sequence​ enables the team to quickly understand the goal(s) of the stories that are selected to make up the sprint in Sprint Planning.
  • Sprint Planning​ >​ Size​, ​Assign​, ​Prioritize​, and ​Schedule​ User Stories. During sprint planning, the ​team discusses​ and quickly ​estimates​ the ​relative size​ of a number of the detailed, prioritized, and sequenced stories until the total number of ​story points​ approaches the team’s average ​velocity​. These stories are ​scheduled​ in a sprint with a start and end date. The stories are ​assigned​ and may be re-prioritized based on team discussion or input from the ​product owner​.
  • Implementation​ > ​Read​, ​Identify​, ​Create​, ​Enhance​, and ​Update​ User Stories and Split/Decompose​ Epics. Each story​ in the current sprint is ​read​ as a first step to implementing it successfully. Often ​other stories​ are identified​, captured in the backlog, and ​enhanced with important detail as the sprint continues. And ​as each story progresses​ through its lifecycle, its ​status​ is ​updated​, enabling the team to see its progress easily.
  • Testing​ > ​Read​ and ​Update​ (Accept or Reject) User Stories. During ​testing​ — by the ​developer​, by a ​third-party​ tasked with ​ensuring quality​, or by the ​product owner​ — each user story, especially its ​acceptance criteria​, is ​read​ and used​ as the basis for ​accepting​ or ​rejecting​ it.
  • Delivering and Deploying​ > ​Identify​, ​Create​, ​Enhance​, ​Read​, and ​Update​ User Stories and ​Split/Decompose​ Epics. Delivery and deployment​ activities often bring still ​more user stories​ to light, and it is important to ​capture​, ​define,​ ​quantify​, and ​track​ this work to ensure that the team’s work is credited and accounted for comprehensively and accurately.
  • Supporting​/​Maintaining​ > ​Identify​, ​Create​, ​Enhance​, ​Read​, and ​Update​ User Stories and ​Split/Decompose​ Epics. Similarly, ​support and maintenance​ activities can identify ​other user stories​ — often software ​defects​ (or “​bugs​”) or enhancement requests​.

Note​: Support and maintenance stories are often completed in a ​continuous​ Agile process like ​Kanban rather than in an ​iterative​ Agile process like Scrum​.

Feet in sneakers standing on a white arrow painted on a road surface

So What Does an Actionable User Story Look Like?

There are many ways to express user stories and many tools to manage and track them. One way of writing them that I can highly recommend based on years of success and thousands of stories is using Gherkin syntax. Yeah, like the pickle.

Gherkin uses keywords like:

  • Feature”, where we can use our short, user story “headline”, e.g. “Basic Location Definition” and include our “As a … I want to … So that …” summary-level expression of the story,
  • #” (comment),
  • Background”, shared preconditions that are common to each scenario,
  • Scenario”, a perfect place for describing the successful “happy” path and the “sad” paths or the ways the interaction may fail,
  • Given”, this Scenario’s objectively verifiable preconditions,
  • When”, this user story’s user-system interaction,
  • Then”, this Scenario’s objectively verifiable postconditions

In Jira, we would duplicate the “Feature” text (“Basic Location Definition”) in the Summary field, and in the Description field we would see:

Feature: Basic Location ManagementAs a Business Owner,
I want to define and manage my business’s location,
So that my business can be found easily by my customers and can better serve them.
# NOTE: See the “Location Management” screen mockup images attached below# NOTE: See the “StreetAddress Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)” diagram attached belowBackground:
Given I am currently logged in to the system, i.e. my browser has received a currently valid authentication token
And my business is represented by a record in the Organization database table
And I am currently on the "Manage Location" page for my business, conforming to the “Location Management” screen mockup image and specifications

Scenario: Successful Location Management
Given there are no records that represent my business location in the StreetAddress database table
When I submit (create/HTTP POST or update/HTTP PATCH) all required, valid StreetAddress data (e.g. StreetAddress1, StreetAddress2, CityName, StateId, CountryId, and PostalCode) to the system’s RESTful endpoint ‘'
Then this data is stored, along with system-generated and default data in a new or updated record in the StreetAddress database table, referencing my business record in the Organization database table
And a ‘201 Created’ or '200 Success' HTTP response is returned
And the new or updated StreetAddress entity data is returned in valid JSON format
And the new or updated StreetAddress data is displayed on the "Manage Location" page for my business, conforming to the “Location Management” screen mockup image and specifications
And this interaction is logged using the system’s existing structured logging features (available on stdout and stderr streams)
Scenario: Unsuccessful Location Management Due to Invalid or Incomplete Data
Given there are no records that represent my business location in the StreetAddress database table
When I fail to submit (create/HTTP POST or update/HTTP PATCH) all required, valid StreetAddress data (e.g. StreetAddress1, StreetAddress2, CityName, StateId, CountryId, and PostalCode) to the system’s RESTful endpoint ‘'
Then the resulting exceptions are handled using the system’s existing exception handling features
And no database records are created or updated in the StreetAddress database table
And a ‘400 Bad Request’ HTTP response is returned
And no StreetAddress entity data is returned
And an "Invalid or Incomplete Data" error message is displayed on the "Manage Location" page for my business, conforming to the “Location Management” screen mockup image and specifications
And this interaction is logged using the system’s existing structured logging features (available on stdout and stderr streams)
Scenario: Unsuccessful Location Management Due to Internal Service Error
Given there are no records that represent my business location in the StreetAddress database table
When I submit (create/HTTP POST or update/HTTP PATCH) all required, valid StreetAddress data (e.g. StreetAddress1, StreetAddress2, CityName, StateId, CountryId, and PostalCode) to the system’s RESTful endpoint ‘'
Then one or more unrecoverable exceptions occur in the StreetAddress service
And the resulting exceptions are handled using the system’s existing exception handling features
And no database records are created in the StreetAddress database table
And a ‘500 Internal Server Error’ HTTP response is returned
And no StreetAddress entity data is returned
And a "Temporary Service Error" error message is displayed on the "Manage Location" page for my business, conforming to the “Location Management” screen mockup image and specifications
And this interaction is logged using the system’s existing structured logging features (available on stdout and stderr streams)
Scenario: Unsuccessful Location Management Due to Unavailable Service
Given there are no records that represent my business location in the StreetAddress database table
When I submit (create/HTTP POST or update/HTTP PATCH) all required, valid StreetAddress data (e.g. StreetAddress1, StreetAddress2, CityName, StateId, CountryId, and PostalCode) to the system’s RESTful endpoint ‘'
Then the StreetAddress service timeout is exceeded
And the resulting exceptions are handled using the system’s existing exception handling features
And no database records are created in the StreetAddress database table
And a ‘503 Service Unavailable’ HTTP response is returned
And no StreetAddress entity data is returned
And a "Service Timed Out" error message is displayed on the "Manage Location" page for my business, conforming to the “Location Management” screen mockup image and specifications
And this interaction is logged using the system’s existing structured logging features (available on stdout and stderr streams)

Note: The boldface and italics in the Gherkin user story above is for emphasis and clarity. This formatting is not necessarily supported or to be expected in Gherkin code.

Note: This user story is written at a “full stack” level, including objectively verifiable activity in each of the application’s implementation layers: presentation, service, and data. Some teams may prefer to split their stories into “front end” (user interface/presentation layer only) and “back end” (service and data layers) or presentation, service, and data layer stories. Whether and how to structure your user stories is a consideration based on your application’s technical structure, story size and complexity, developer skillset, story dependencies and sequencing, etc.

The Case for Clarity

Organizations that attempt to develop with nothing more than a headline (e.g. “Basic Location Definition”) or summary-level (e.g. “As a …”) user story in a rush to code will grossly underestimate their stories, will waste a great deal of time disagreeing about whether or not a story is complete, will suffer a high number of software defects, and will ultimately disappoint their business stakeholders and the organizations they serve.

Aided by the structure of the Gherkin syntax, the process of thinking through and writing clear, consistent, complete, actionable user stories with objectively verifiable precondition and postcondition criteria will serve you well. It requires discipline and time, but the time and other precious resources saved in the effort will much more than pay for itself.

Happy user story development!



Doug Wilson
Doug Wilson

Written by Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson is an experienced software application architect, music lover, problem solver, former film/video editor, philologist, and father of four.

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