Whoa, boy. I really, really enjoyed your article (please see my original response) and immediately headed over to Feedly to check start my RSS journey of discovery.
Feedly today is a VERY different place and experience than it seems to have been when you discovered it years ago.
The current free version limits you to three (3) folders, e.g. for me, 1. Science, 2. Technology, 3. Music, and then a sharp demand to upgrade to the paid version when I tried to add 4. Politics.
What??? I was just getting warmed up. You should see the folders and tags I maintain to organize links and emails. Three? Seriously?
OK, let's add some feeds to the Technology folder. The first one I click prompts another paid upgrade demand. "This topic is curated by AI and is only available at the paid level" or whatever it said.
The whole experience was confusing and frustrating. Eff this. I'm out.
Then I received the inevitable "Welcome to Feedly" email. I replied, with feedback about my experience, knowing that it would likely go unread.
Then I received another welcome to Feedly email from the CEO, who assured me that although this was an automated email, he reads very reply.
I've helped to start a number of online business, so I shared my frustrating first Feedly experience with him. This morning I received one of the most arrogant, condescending, "we know better than you" replies from what I assume was a Product Owner, who let me know that three folders is all people at the unpaid level need. Oh, really?
I deleted my account. Best of luck, Feedly. You're gonna need it.
I sincerely appreciate the recommendation. Just a note to let you know that things at Feedly may have changed since you first encountered it.
On my way to check out an RSS reader without the uber-capitalist "ethic" and without all the attitude. Ugh.