Think whatever you like. I'm gonna stick with facts and reality.
The reality is that some of AI is fake -- a small percentage (and most of what grifters or "true believers" like Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and Ray Kurzweil claim). ;)
But cherry picking an example or two that make you feel good or that seem to support your position from the stream of sensationalist AI headlines doesn't invalidate the decades of actual work that have gone into this field since the 1950s.
A lot of AI is based on applied mathematics like statistics, on cognitive science, on lots and lots of data (measurement), on great deal of carefully measured experimentation, etc.
Trying to make the argument that "much of AI is fake" would mean, for example, that much of the "one hundred million people ... using ChatGPT on a weekly basis" -- a single AI system from a single company -- (10 million queries per day) are actually interacting with human beings behind the scenes. And that each of those AI impersonators is capable of responding convincingly across a broad array of topics in "as low as 232 milliseconds".
As with much self delusion, this doesn't hold up well under even cursory examination.
If you're interested in learning more about how AI actually works, I highly recommend "What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?" by researcher, physicist, mathematician, and technologist Stephen Wolfram ( and Christian Leo's "The Math Behind Neural Networks" series (, which explains the theory and provides computer source code that enables you to build your own neural network -- one of the basic building blocks of modern AI.
But it's certainly much easier just to say, "Nuh-UHHH!"