Thanks for sharing this and for the introduction to (and clear explanation of) Event Storming.
This may just be my perspective, but mapping out events seems to be coming at the problem "sideways".
While I definitely see how Event Storming could fit well in the context of Domain-driven Design (DDD), it might fit even better into process design with some events resulting from domain entity creation, updates, and deletion (CRUD) and some events resulting from business process steps and/or process completion (or failure).
Our information systems are essential made up of entity data, processes, and rules.
"Business entities are models (abstractions) that represent the persons, places, and things (the “nouns”) that our information systems are intended to manage and how they relate to each other ...
Business process models represent the series of discrete steps, entity and third-party service interactions, calculations, and logical branching that are followed to bring about a desired outcome. They are the “verbs” that orchestrate entities ...
Business decisions are the “rules” that inform and constrain processes. These can range from simple, static decision models to complex, dynamic machine learning models."
This perspective provides context for more meaningful event generation, which To me this context is missing from or (unclear in) the Event Storming technique.
Please note that I'm not saying that Event Storming is wrong or won't work.
It just seems to me that identifying events and pasting corresponding sticky notes into a grid representing business processes, e.g. "Command Performed by a User", "Possible Flows", and "Rules" may be useful but still leaves the entities (what you call "domain concepts"), processes, and rules involved undefined.
Again, I'm not saying that my way is better. It's just the way I'm used to thinking about things.
Perhaps you could help me understand a bit more about how Event Storming can make a team "ready to get coding".
In my world, events relate to detailed entity, process, and rule definitions in Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD) and executable Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and Decision Model and Notation (DMN) diagrams.
Note: Each of my entities is represented by a dedicated CRUD microservice with event publishing and a corresponding database table.
I'm unclear about what you're calling "modules" and "microservices".
I think our approaches could be very complementary, but I feel like I don't yet understand enough about Event Storming. Any help or references you could share would be most appreciated.