Tech bloat? Huge problem. Absolutely.
But the death of Agile? And Jira? Huh?
You admit right up front that your own "personal professional experience with Agile has always been at the periphery", i.e. you don't have much actual experience with it, yet you're able to accurately assess its strengths, weaknesses, and enough about its vital signs to speak authoritatively about its death. What complete and utter nonsense.
For one thing, Agile is a terrible idea for R&D work like creating generative AI. Estimation/prediction in something that no one has ever done before is meaningless.
Re: "Agile and all its formalities", you seem unaware that Agile has no actual formalities other than those that each team decides to adopt, which isn't surprising since you're talking about something you admit to knowing little to nothing about.
But then you drift even further off course.
Tech bloat doesn't necessarily result in tech debt. Tech bloat has zero to do with ensuring that "every detail is documented". But the biggest problem is that you somehow conflate tech bloat with Agile process -- any and all of it -- without any linkage at all.
Sure, both things may be happening at the same time, but that's a long way from causality.
And you never do get around to how any of this implies the death of Jira, your thesis statement.
Maybe stick to writing about what you know?
With or without Agile and Jira, tech bloat is bad. You nailed it! And the world does not need more features. 100% agree.
But Agile and Jira aren't going anywhere anytime soon ... because they actually work well when used correctly and consistently in appropriate efforts. How do I know? I've led Agile teams to deliver successfully for 20 years.