Respectfully, you haven’t been listening closely enough.
Democrats as a group are “for” a wide variety of things. Wealthy corporatist and “centrist” Dems like Hillary, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, etc are for the business and corporate interests that fund them. They are absolutely not socialists.
Social welfare policies like those advocated by Bernie Sanders were rejected by the Democrats in favor of the corporatist/centrist agenda, which is the reason I correctly assert that socialism wasn’t on the ballot. But even Bernie isn’t a socialist, nor are his policies actually socialist. His policies are simply pragmatic, e.g. since the U.S. already spends trillions on providing healthcare, why not spend it more wisely in order to improve access and effectiveness?
Socialism is an economic system where the means of production, distribution, and exchange is owned or regulated by a society as a whole. Regulation and administration of a crucial public service like healthcare, education, etc isn’t socialism; it is a legitimate function of any government. Environmental policy, voting rights, civil justice, etc aren’t in any way socialist. You’re conflating these ideas, which leads to confusion.