"If we incorporate artificial intelligence into the equation, we can encounter algorithms that take portions of code from repositories based on a given need, but do not make clear their traceability, their license type, where they come from or how well maintained they are. The use of software components created through artificial intelligence and machine learning in corporate environments grew by 135% last year."
"If already in many cases, the return to the community of projects using open source software components is little or nonexistent — little less than thanks, if at all — when it is an [AI] algorithm that decides which code to use, this return often becomes non-existent. If many developers, as we have seen, won’t even consider collaborating with the improvement or maintenance of a piece of open source software they use, what can we expect from a simple [AI] algorithm? Is the [AI] algorithm going to say “hmmm, maybe it would be interesting to help out here and improve this”? No, it is simply going to take what it needs, and leave without even saying that legendary 'so long and thanks for all the fish!'"
"How to manage in an increasingly complex and varied environment, with more and more parts created through [AI] processes that are often voluntary, and that are managed more and more arbitrarily and without much visibility? How to provide software repositories with the appropriate [artificial] intelligence to understand when it is advisable or not to reuse a component?"