Not everyone is switching, and Apple's dictatorial and increasingly sloppy and disappointing ecosystem is the reason I switched from iPhone to Pixel 3 and from MacBook to Linux laptop and (as soon as I can find or create a viable alternative) from AppleTV to ... ?
Their predatory planned obsolescence is the reason I can no longer use my perfectly capable iPad and will never buy another tablet.
But mostly, I resent Apple's ever more forceful attempts to dictate how I manage and consume media (much of which I've bought or rented from them) on devices I've purchased from them.
Also, their own systems disagree with each other about how many movies are in my library, etc, etc, etc.
If you watch closely, keep your standards high, and insist on doing things they way you want to do them, Apple is increasingly a non-starter. If you're more of a "whatev" person, enjoy your iPhone.