More misinformed and biased ("the tears of the Microservices [sic] bros") idiocy from start to finish.
"Amazon (the poster child for service-oriented architectures) ... wrote- The move from a distributed microservices architecture to a monolith application helped achieve higher scale, resilience, and reduce costs"
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) does not equal or even imply microservices. SOA was around long before microservices and continues to be a valid architecture pattern.
"As with many other rushed microservices implementations"
So the problem wasn't microservices at all; it was (as usual) poor design brought on by an unrealistic timeframe and a team unable/unwilling to hold the line for quality.
Your entire premise is now dead, and yet you just keep writing.
Oh, the creator of a sh*tty, dying, toy technology (Ruby) agrees with you? You must be so proud!
Muting this time-wasting nonsense.