Just another opportunity for people to understand that Mongo and other NoSQL databases are not the right tool for entity data persistence.
If you really need object/document storage, try Couchbase, DynamoDB, etc, but for most data storage needs PostgreSQL is your friend, always has been, and always will be. Maybe this will be the end of all the "death of SQL" and completely unsubstantiated "better scalability" nonsense ... but I doubt it.
Data replication can (and should) be better accomplished with pub/sub tools like webhooks.
There are proven, reliable tools and techniques out there. Learn and apply them appropriately. Organizations make decisions with which we disagree and that inconvenience us all the time. We need to learn from these disappointments and make better decisions next time.
Oh, and please. People (not just hopes or expectations) died horribly when the U.S. left Afghanistan ... where it should never have been in the first place.