Is the Internet also a Ponzi scheme, i.e. something that generates no net revenue or profit but depends solely on the investment of new participants?
We've known for 40 years that networks have inherent value and that this value increases with the network's size (please see Metcalfe's law,
Secure, distributed transaction ledgers, e.g. Blockchain -- one of the technologies underlying cryptocurrency, have demonstrable value (please see
Decentralized, anonymous currency has demonstrable value, including anonymity (not just for criminals), low cost of entry (making it available for everyone), transaction speed, etc (please see
You seem unaware of (or in denial about?) all of this.
Anyone promoting cryptocurrency is an informed realist. Anyone dissing it as hard and as universally as you is ignorant and/or fearful.
Please gather some facts and re-consider your position rather than continuing to make easily disprovable statements.