I understand and can 100% empathize with your past situation, Katharine. I was a single dad, supporting three children by working two full-time jobs for years. I don't remember much from those "zombie" years.
You are very correct in pointing out that just because information is available, not everyone is always in a position to benefit from it.
However, another way of looking at this is that no one can really afford to pass up the opportunity to get an education during the times that we aren't overwhelmed by life. I worked hard in school, read like crazy, and did my best to learn everything I could.
Some of the best advice I ever received was from my fellow "custodial engineer" at a small hospital who told me to never stop reading for pleasure. In school, reading can become a chore, but reading for yourself is a great opportunity to learn throughout your life.
I sincerely hope that your situation has improved dramatically, as mine has. All the best!