BAH-hahahahahaha!!! Complete. And utter. Nonsense.
Engineers aren't "forced" to do anything. They could go anywhere. Tomorrow. And make more money. Or they could stay, and hold the line, and do what they know is right, despite being told that there's not enough time. Note: I've done this myself.
Y'know what that makes many engineers?
Lazy. Entitled. And COMPLICIT. Yeah, I said it. Fight me.
When asked for something, many (most?) engineers don't stop to think. When the Product Manager says, "Jump", they don't even ask, "How high?". They just start doing what they like doing best: coding. Their goal is just to get something to sort of work so that they can move on to getting the next thing to sort of work.
Never mind that nothing will really work, as defined by customers or anyone not drinking the Kool-Aid. Or that nothing will work for long. Or that even though it does sort of work, using it is like slow torture.
Many engineers won't even build in the basic mechanisms that are a reasonable compromise with urgent demands for speed ... like interfaces. They hardcode instead of defining an interface and implementing a simple (even hard-coded) provider behind it, making it easy for someone to replace it with a better implementation later. Nope. Gotta move! Gotta move! Got story points to deliver!
I'm not even going to dignify the rest of this article by reading it.