Awww, I’m not going to engage with someone who clearly can’t defend himself.
The fact is that I welcome all kinds of opinions different from my own, as anyone who’s worked with me will tell you. But those opinions do need to be useful and based in fact.
Your personal (ad hominem), emotion-based attack is the hallmark of a true Karen. We’ve all seen the videos. How ironic that you accuse others of being who you actually seem to be. You can’t engage on the issues because you either don’t understand them well enough (as others here have pointed out) or because you can’t stop shrieking long enough to get out of your own way as they drag you off the plane.
Bottom line: engineering issues aren’t matters of opinion, Karen. People who think they are … well, bless your heart.
I’d be happy to talk about the value of low-level CRUD APIs and the business-limiting effects of not providing them, but if you want to roll around in the mud, you’ll have to enjoy that solo. That’s not how I roll.
What you’re proposing is called a false dichotomy — we’ve got to choose one or the other; there’s no middle ground.
Rhetorical question: Does this really seem reasonable to you? “Rhetorical” means that I’m not really interested in hearing your answer. It’s sort of a take-home quiz — something for you to think about on your own.
In the meantime, please stop trying to turn Medium into Facebook. Thanks.