"And if they told you wolverines make good pets, would you believe 'em?"
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
"The problem with futurists.
They project based on creating a feeling of 'inevitability' - an idea that everything is a grand convergence toward a single target, then they jump to a conclusion about the target that is a grand vision, drawing together all their personal biases and prejudices into a certain outcome.
Kurzweil is a perfect exemplar. There is not going to be a Singularity.
The best way to know the future is to build it. There is no doubt that the phenomena he cites are happening now, but this imaginary future is far from the only possible future, if you can escape from the seductive 'inevitability' he paints."
"Goldman Sachs says generative AI is causing a big rollout of data centers but applications for corporate users have yet to emerge. It 'argues that even if a so-called killer application were to emerge, it’s unclear that generative AI will generate the financial returns investors have been banking on.'"
"despite predictions that the economic gains from AI would reach $15 trillion by 2030, the market for AI in 2021 was only $51.5 billion, expected to reach $62 billion in 2022."
"The inert AI revolution in radiology is yet another example of how AI has overpromised and under delivered ... computer algorithms do not have sentiment, feelings, or passions. They also do not have wisdom, common sense, or critical thinking skills. They are extraordinarily good at mathematical calculations, but they are not intelligent in any meaningful sense of the word."
I could do this all day. Anyone who pays attention to the details rather than just the headlines and questions outrageous claims rather than simply accepting them can too.
Hype, greed, fear, big money, and more hype