A simple glance through history like:
Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian Liberation Army (PLA) in the '60s. Several failed attempts to assassinate king Hussein of Jordan in 1970 and the subsequent plane hijackings and assassination of Jordanian Prime Minister in 1971. The Munich massacre of Israeli Olympic team in 1972 and the hijacking of several civilian airliners like the one in Entebbe and the Savoy Hotel attack.
How was Israel to blame for this violence against American, Jordanian, Egyptian and other civilians, including school children?
Interestingly, in 1982 when Israel finally invaded Lebanon, where the PLO had established bases from which it launched attacks, resulting in the PLO's expulsion from Lebanon, Israel enjoyed a few years of relative peace.
Instead of just glancing, maybe learn a little (and learn a little from) history. We're now seeing this same cause (unprovoked attack by Hamas) and effect (determined self defense by Israel) play out yet again.
Hamas in particular, supported by Hezbollah (nice company), has been starting shit they can't possibly finish since the 1990s with a long, bloody string of suicide bombings and other attacks on buses, restaurants, clubs, shopping malls, universities, homes, and now beheadings and rape at a music festival. Oh, and all while preying on their own people, stealing humanitarian aid intended for civilians in Gaza. Very fine people. Ahem.